Welcome to the Parents & Citizens Association (P&C) from all of us on the 2016 Committee. Our aim is to work with the whole school community to support the team at Byron Bay Public School in giving all our students the best possible education and learning experience.
Our team has already organised a number of fundraising activities for the year – including the Mother's Day Stall, Byron's Biggest Car Boot Sale, the BBQ at the federal election voting booth and five raffles at the Byron Bay Golf Club (last Friday of every month in case you haven't made it to one yet). We will be discussing new projects and ways to spend our hard-earned fundraising dollars at meetings throughout the year.
We are also working to engage and communicate more with all parents and interested citizens in the community with a letter going out in Term 3 asking for new members and volunteers for our various activities. You can get involved in a variety of ways, from helping out at fundraising events, to volunteering some of your professional or personal skills to projects we are tackling, to becoming a member of the P&C and attending monthly meetings. The choice is yours – we will take any assistance you can offer, big or small.
If you have any questions about what the P&C does or how you can get involved, please feel free to email us on byronbaypandc@gmail.com or join us at a P&C meeting held on the second Thursday of the month at 6.00pm in the school staffroom.
I look forward to your support and involvement.
Yours sincerely
Paul Prior, President 2016