Byron Bay Public School

Respectful, Responsible, Fair

Telephone02 6685 6557

Uniform Shop

At Byron Bay Public School students are expected to wear the approved school uniform. At the time of enrolment, parents will be given a clear outline of the dress code and asked to support it. 

Set out below is the school uniform, which students are expected to wear at all times at school, and when attending school functions or representing their school. It helps students identify with the school and promotes school pride and loyalty.                          

  • navy wide brimmed hat
  • Indigenous polo shirt
  • light blue buttoned, collared t-shirt with school emblem
  • navy cargo shorts/navy long school pants
  • navy jacket or jumper with emblem
  • navy tracksuit if desired in winter
  • dress with sport knickers
  • navy skorts, shorts or skirt
  • navy tights
  • black enclosed shoes (thongs are not permitted for safety reasons)

Unacceptable dress:

  • tank tops/singlets
  • thongs/ bare feet
  • platform shoes
  • clothes and belongings displaying offensive or inappropriate language or graphics
  • clothing considered to be unsafe and/or immodest, including sun safe
  • inappropriate jewellery

Our uniform shop is open every Monday during the school term from 8.30-10.30am. 

Uniforms can also be ordered through Flexischools for delivery to your child's classroom every Monday throughout the year.

Uniform Price List

House Shirt Price List

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