Byron Bay Public School

Respectful, Responsible, Fair

Telephone02 6685 6557

Respectful: Taking pride in our school

Explicit Teaching: (Whole class discussion)

  • Define pride - Students should be able to articulate a clear definition of pride.
  • Explain the Importance of taking pride in our school - Articulate why school pride is an important part of building a happy and successful school.
  • What does this look like in our school? Correct uniforms, putting away rubbish in the correct bin, picking up rubbish that isn’t yours, taking pride in your school work etc

Whole class:

  • After lunch or recess take your class on a 5-minute emu parade to clean up one area of the school playground.
  • Give yellow tickets every day for students in correct uniform.
  • Give green tickets in the playground for students who put their rubbish away in the correct bin and leave the eating area clean and tidy.

Individual ways of taking pride in our school:

  • Take pride in your schoolwork – neat handwriting, clean tote tray, always trying your best. 

  • Always wear the correct school uniform. 

  • Participate in school events and activities to demonstrate an active interest and engagement with the school community. Cheering on sports teams, bands, or other student groups at competitions or performances shows team spirit and pride.

  • Volunteer or contribute to school initiatives. SRC member, Band member, sporting team, Waste Free Warrior, classroom responsibilities etc 

  • Speak positively about the school. Talking enthusiastically about the school's academic programs, sport, music and arts opportunities can inspire pride in others.